Monday, January 21, 2013

The Perfect Supplement: Fully Realized

On Saturday Autumn showed me the building she's hoping to buy/be given/have transformed by Extreme Home Makeover to make into the official Sent By Raven's Food Pantry- birthed out of the idea of all the waste she's seen dumpster diving. Obviously, the food for the pantry won't be pulled from the trash but with a 501C-3 form that she just paid and applied for the food pantry will be able to go to grocery stores we know are wasting food and ask them for it before it "hits the bins". She's working with a lawyer, builder, accountant, and a slew of other people who can get this project off the ground and up and running. 

Today, we did a short interview at her house and the cover image is pulled from the video. I have to say, it was pretty fun! 

Here's a mock layout I did quickly as an experiment. Sorry for any typos, it's 1:20am here. 

*Distributing. Not districuting. 

Monday, January 14, 2013


Took a hike to look for the bald eagles at the south end of Conesus lake without success. Better planning next time to avoid the frigid swamp waters. 

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Is Poaching an Issue in N.Y.?

On an excursion through the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) land at the south end inlet of Conesus lake yesterday, we came across three deer rib cages and a pile of bones. The cut hair and skin deliberately pulled down toward where the neck would have met the body heavily suggested the remains had been left by humans. 

Twenty feet away was a fourth carcass, shown above. To the shame of my inner detective heart, I chose not to open the bag. These bodies make for five deer carcasses found by happenstance in less than a month. This raised a lot of questions so I did a little digging and discovered deer poaching is an issue in New York state. National Geographic and others have published stories on poaching in Africa when it is also happening here on our own soil. Granted, the deer are far from extinction like the rhino is, but "deer jacking" is illegal and unfair to animals. In 2011 the DEC released a statement (hover here for the story) listing ticketed persons for poaching across the state and into New England. 

My mom suspected the deer we found may have been gutted and dressed at a home instead of at a taxidermist or deer processor and the remains dumped with no better place to leave them. But why leave the heads, a single horn, the trash bag, or the skins? And why was one of the rib cages significantly smaller than the others- the size of a fawn? It could be well worth pursuing to see how big of an issue it is.