Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Rock

Steph & Raja

Monday until this morning was spent travelling around the entirety of Lake Ontario with a stop at my family's cottage (dubbed "The Rock" as it's on an island) for the weekend. It's been pretty untouched for the last sixty years and is, as Steph noted, a bit of a "man cave". No doubt about it. It was my first time manning the cottage alone so I had the chance to learn how to operate the generator, new boat, and the importance of knowing how to use the bilge pump when your cousin doesn't cover during severe rainstorms and leaves the hull full of water. Cool. 

We brought an old futon out onto the porch and slept out there with our labs for two nights. From there, we closed up the cabin and headed to Toronto to spend the night catching up with my friends Nadine and Cynthia who are fellow former inhabitants of Tanzania.

P.S. I've run into a bit of an issue with this blog as I've used up my 1 GB space for the photos. It's $25 USD to keep going which I can't really justify paying for yet so that has to be sorted out. Who knew?

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